Statistics shows that about 75% of the people working today are unhappy with their current jobs. One reason is that their talents are wasted because it is not applicable for their current jobs.
That’s just one problem. You might have unreasonable demands placed upon you. You have to work really long hours to get anywhere. The paths to promotion may be blocked. You can’t get to where you want to be because of the view that people have of you, your experience, or your performance in the job.
A little self-improvement may help you with that problem. You should know how to appreciate your job if you want to succeed in life.
If you are always late to your job, maybe it will become the reason for your termination. Why don’t you try to wake up early or if you’re always experiencing traffic, try to find other route. Self-improvement of your habits will help you succeed.
There might be criticism leveled against you that isn’t just. There could be too much politics or backstabbing, you have to grease the right palms to get ahead. The job may just not be what you expected. You were promised one thing, but it turned into something else.
One thing that you should do about backstabbing is always retain your temper. Don’t try to argue with your officemates of it will be another reason for firing you.
You have to get to the root of what is causing your unhappiness about where you are and what you’re currently doing. The easiest way is The Five Whys. Ask, “Why?” five times.
“Oh, I’m not happy.” Well, why? “Because I got passed for a promotion.” Why was that? “Because they didn’t value the project I was working on.” Why not? “Because management changed and they changed the objectives.” Well, why was that? In the end you really drill down to the root cause and find out what the problem really is.
Once you decide that you need a change – that’s where the real fun begins. It’s up to you to either go about finding a new job or change careers completely.
There’s another way of looking at it – the “Top Ten Signs That You Need a New Job.” It’s a bit reminisent of David Letterman’s nightly Top Ten and somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but there’s a bit of truth in all of them.
10: You’re outgo exceeds your income. You just need more money.
9: The most rewarding thing you did this week was sharpen all 12 of your pencils to the same length.
8: You’re reluctant to be a Career Day speaker at your kid’s fourth grade class.
7: Everyone in your workgroup got a raise except you.
6. Everyone was a happy receipient of the morning’s Tim Horton’s cofee except you.
5: You were late for work three times this week, but you don’t care.
4: There’s a meeting at 3:00 to talk about the upcoming reorganization, but you’re not invited.
3: Your boss keeps forgetting your name.
2: You constantly daydream about being a forest ranger.
1: Your company was recently acquired and you spent two weeks worry that you’d be laid off. After that, you worried that you wouldn’t be.
Remember, finding a new job nowadays is really hard. So, before you decided to look for another job, always resolve your problems with your current job. You will have to explain why you are no longer at the company one way or another, and any recruiter worth their salt will find out what actually happened.
To assist you in your success, further information on self-improvement and related materials are available within this website for your use.